Discovering Nature
Saturday 2/21 afternoon. C4D
Are you jealous when your hiking companions point out different species of trees, because to you they are just 'Pine' and 'other'? Or what bird that was that flew by? Well, there is hope! Come join us as we "Discover Nature" at Borderland. We will examine trees, and try to identify them, before the leaves come out by examining the bark, leaf scars and other hints. We will also look for the birds that are around at this time. Maybe we will see some snow fleas, stoneflies or animal tracks. No prior knowledge required.We will all learn together. This will not be a lecture series! This is "Home Schooling for Adults." We will all learn together, by observing nature, studying nature guides and learning as we go. Registration required. Space limited. Please register by 2/19. Leader: Bob Vogel ( 508-238-7732 (6-9 PM) CLs: Kevin Ryan; Ellen Correia
Note: This Saturday "Discovery" will be followed by other weekend trips, and a series of Monday Evening trips starting April 20th. (Participation in the Monday Series not required to participate in these weekend trips.) See the SEM Spring Breeze, or